

Why Pixelyatri?

Why choose us over thousands of other travel companies? One simple reason is good enough. We are not a travel company. We are a fellowship of passionate travellers. We are amazed by the widening world before our eyes, which constantly inspires us to explore, exchange and express our unique travel ideas to the like minded travel enthusiast. We believe the time is travel. If time happens to be money, then it is travel too. To be or not be, was Prince Hamlet’s luxury. In our time, we cannot afford it. Whatever we can achieve, we should achieve, and within a time frame too. Otherwise, it is an utter wastage of God’s priceless gift.
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Pixelyatri offers unique, unheard, unseen and unforgettable travel experiences, according to individual needs and dreams. Place, you name, pocket or budget you set, we are the people to make it possible. We are your travel Genie. And we do have the magic carpet to fly you across the world.
We offer an umbrella of specific services and products curated to cater to the specific needs and wants of a very sophisticated segment of travellers. They know what they want from their travels, and we provide them exactly that. All are not content to have a pool or evening cocktails in their vacation. Some rare individuals want education, culture and adventure in a travel exploration. Pixelyatri endeavours to mingle every travel story with extraordinary punch lines of unheard experiences.
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